Friday, 5 August 2016

MrMissCultureAkwaIbom2016 .

Culture is defined as the total way of life of a people in a particular society. This is to say that there is no human society without its own culture. But what is important is that some societies are keen in their culture than others. Some societies due to ignorance or carelessness allow their culture to die. These societies allow some aspects of their culture to disappear by too much appreciating and becoming over-dependent on other people's culture. But in Akwa Ibom State, we have over the years allowed other people's culture to penetrate our subconsciousness to the extent that we start accepting them and at the same time forget our own. We seem to forget the popular saying which says, "If you don't say I am, nobody will say you are: We have not seen the need to speak our language again. Most of Akwaibomit are feeling shy to speak our own native language outside our homes like IBIBIO, ORO and ANNANG .
Matters are made worse among the young nursery school children. Most of them cannot call some things in our local dialect nor can they count from one to twenty in our language. Our local food like the famous Asa Iwa Edes: Ibokpot', Ekpang Iwa, Edita Iwa and many other traditional delicacies can no more be prepared by our sons and daughters. Mbok come join us the family of Epistle Signature in the movement of #BringBackOurLanguage To this the Ambassador of Culture Akwa Ibom State and Nigeria at large will be given the power by Her. Excellency M. Udom Emmanuel to go on revamping and bring back our very own language in Mr /Miss Culture Akwa Ibom 2016 #11thNovember2016 #BringBackOurLanguage

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